Susan's Sanctuary of
Divine Love and Healing, LLC
S. Gelbman, BA, LMT
Creative Energy Healer
It is my lifelong mission
to heal you and the world
with love, compassion, and hope.
My deep yearning to share
the beauty and depth,
sanctity, magnificence,
wonder and splendor of life
has guided me on my Journey through
yoga, meditation, massage therapy,
energy healing, sound healing, and ordination.

Monthly Events:
Singing Bowls Multi-Dimensional Sound Healing Meditation
June 13, 2024 and June 25, 2024 both at 6:45PM
RSVP for details!

Embrace and be supported on your journey
of self-discovery, health,
and living a conscious life!

Susan's Singing Bowls is a group meditation and healing.

Get the individual attention and nourishment you need to continue your growth and ascension.

Come relax your mind, body, and soul
into the healing vibrations of source energy.
Susan has more than 30 years of experience in massage therapy.

Applaud yourself for wanting to ascend to your greater Self!
Embrace and be supported on your journey
of self-discovery, health, and living a conscious life!
For years I have assisted men and women
by listening to them and guiding with a gentle hand,
offering various modalities of healing.
I have studied and received nurturing and wisdom
from many paths and people, places and things.
As wise emotional beings of mind, body, and soul,
a multi-faceted approach lends to deep and full integration
for a well-lived life, our life, uniquely ours.

Circles & Gatherings
Circles & Gatherings
Ever-evolving community events
full of collaborative music and joy.

Work with Susan to create a beautiful and meaningful event for your wedding,
home, memorial of a loved one, child blessing,
or other special moment in your life.